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Re: [Xen-users] Xen Disk I/O performance vs native performance: Xen I/O is definitely super super super slow


OK, so I did the hdparm + bonnie++ benchmarks on the server, and posted
all the results to pastebin :

To put it in a nutshell : Xen I/O is even worse than I previously
thought on a RAID array...

To give more details :
1] LVM vs Native partition doesn't seem to have much effect either with
or without Xen (so I don't seem to run the problems Mitch Kelly talked
about in a previous post)

(compare test 1 vs test 2, as well as test 7 vs test 8)
However, note that I haven't had a chance to do a comparison of LVM vs
Native on top of RAID directly... (this would mean re-installing my
whole server, etc...). I only tested the performance on non-raid disks.

2] Xen Dom0 vs Non-Xen Kernel doesn't seem to have a huge performance
difference. bonnie++ gave slightly different results, but I guess we can
accuse the the experimental nature of the benchmarks
(compare test 3 vs test test 5)

3] Xen Dom0 vs Xen Dom U performance is like day and night !!!!
Compare test 4 vs test 5).
Additionally, the hdparm results are completly different each time the
command is ran, so we can only really  compare the bonnie++ results,
which are not really consistent either..... It's like if xen over lvm
over RAID would just result to not consistent results... Would there be
a reason for that ?

So, if we take, for instance, Sequential Input by block, we have 37MB/s
(worst case)/74MB/s (best case) vs 173MB. this makes Xen SUPER SUPER
SUPER slow, at least twice as slow even when considering the best
results I could get..

4] However, the weird thing is that if you look at test 6 vs test 1 you
can see that Xen over LVM without RAID does not seem to degrade the
performance. I should have used a bigger file size, but test 7 vs test 8
definitely confirms the trend, even if the numbers are not completly
exact in test 6 because of the small disk size...

So, conclusion, I am lost :
On the one side, it seems that Xen, when used on top of a raid array, is
wayyy slower, but when used on top a plain old disk, seems to be pretty
much native performance. Is there a potential link between Xen and RAID
vs non raid performance ? Or maybe the problem is caused by Xen + RAID +

What do you think about that ?

Sami Dalouche

On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 22:42 +0100, Sami Dalouche wrote:
> Ok, so I'm currently doing bonnie++ benchmarks and will report the
> results as soon as everything is finished.
> But in any case.. I am not trying to create super-accurate benchmarks. I
> am just trying to say that the VM's I/O is definitely slowwer than the
> Dom0, and I don't even need a benchmark to tell that everything is at
> least twice as slow.
> it seriously is super slow, so my original post was about knowing how
> much slower (vs native performance) is acceptable. 
> Concerning your question, I don't quite understand it...
> What I did was : 
> 1] Created a LV on the real disk
> 2] exported this LV as a Xen disk using 
> disk = [ 'phy:/dev/mapper/mylv,hda1,w']
> 3] mounted it on the DomU by mount /dev/mapper/mylv
> isn't it what I'm supposed to do ?
> regards,
> Sami Dalouche
> On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 16:28 -0500, John Madden wrote:
> > > obviously it's the same filesystem type, since it's the same
> > > 'partition'.  of course, different mount flags could in theory affect
> > > measurements.
> > 
> > Sorry, I must've missed something earlier.  I didn't realize you were
> > mounting and writing to the same filesystem in both cases.  But this is
> > interesting -- if you're mounting a filesystem on an LV in dom0 and then
> > passing it as a physical device to domU, how does domU see it?  Does it
> > then put an LV inside this partition?
> > 
> > > > Please use bonnie++ at a minimum for i/o benchmarking.  dd is not a
> > > > benchmarking tool.
> > > 
> > > besides, no matter what tool you use to measure, use datasets at the
> > > very least three or four times the largest memory size.
> > 
> > Exactly.  bonnie++ (for example) provides the -r argument, which causes
> > it to deal with i/o at twice your memory size to avoid cache benefits.  
> > 
> > John
> > 
> > 
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