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Re: [Xen-users] Dom0 crashed when rebooting whilst DomU are running

On Sat, 2012-09-08 at 15:50 +0100, Maik Brauer wrote:
> On Sep 4, 2012, at 10:11 AM, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > Could you not top post please, it makes it rather hard to follow the
> > flow of the conversation.
> > On Mon, 2012-09-03 at 18:10 +0100, Casey DeLorme wrote:
> >> As stated, you can alias shutdown to do exactly what you need, it can
> >> be as simple as a series of hard-coded operations to a complex custom
> >> shell script that parses your domains and closes each with feedback.
> > 
> > Xen ships the "xendomains" initscript which can halt guest on shutdown
> > as well as automatically start specific guests on boot. It can also be
> > configured to suspend/resume them or (I think) migrate them away.
> > 
> > For diagnosing the crash itself more details will be required than were
> > provided in the original post. Please see
> > http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Reporting_Bugs_against_Xen for some guidance.
> > At a minimum we would need a capture (serial console or photo) of the
> > crash backtrace.
> > 
> > Ian.
> > 
> > 
>   I found out that it hangs during re-boot of dom0 when having more
> Network interfaces involved, like:
>       vif = [ 'mac=06:46:AB:CC:11:01, ip=<myIPadress>', '', '',
> 'mac=06:04:AB:BB:11:03, bridge=VLAN20, script=vif-bridge', '',
> 'mac=06:04:AB:BB:11:05, bridge=VLAN40, script=vif-bridge' ]

6 interfaces total, 3 of which have a random mac on each reboot and all
get put on the default bridge?

Is your default script vif-bridge or something else? Have you modified
any of these scripts?

>   in case you use just one or having the basic line in place, it is
> working:  
>       vif = [ '' ]
>   The system stops after initiating the reboot at the following line in the 
> console: System will restart...........

So this is a hang, not a crash as suggested originally?

If it is a hang then you might have some luck using hte magic sysrq keys
to print lists of blocked tasks. I'm not sure in Squeeze but you might
need to enable this as described in Documentation/sysrq.txt in the Linux

Blocked tasks are listed with SysRQ-'w'. If you have serial console then
't' will list all task, but that list can be quite long so it is useless
without a serial console.

>   In the Logfile of /var/log/message you can find this as the last line: 
>         Sep  8 15:44:28 rootsrv01 shutdown[2445]: shutting down for system 
> reboot
>       Sep  8 15:44:31 rootsrv01 kernel: [   73.716246] VLAN20: port 1(vif2.3) 
> entering forwarding state
>       Sep  8 15:44:31 rootsrv01 kernel: [   74.500111] VLAN40: port 1(vif2.5) 
> entering forwarding state
>       Sep  8 15:44:34 rootsrv01 kernel: [   77.317431] VLAN20: port 1(vif2.3) 
> entering disabled state
>       Sep  8 15:44:34 rootsrv01 kernel: [   77.317490] VLAN20: port 1(vif2.3) 
> entering disabled state
>       Sep  8 15:44:36 rootsrv01 kernel: [   79.368685] VLAN40: port 1(vif2.5) 
> entering disabled state
>       Sep  8 15:44:36 rootsrv01 kernel: [   79.369156] VLAN40: port 1(vif2.5) 
> entering disabled state
>       Sep  8 15:44:37 rootsrv01 kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
>       Sep  8 15:44:37 rootsrv01 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" 
> swVersion="4.6.4" x-pid="890" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com";] exiting on 
> signal 15.
> In the /var/log/daemong.log you can find this message:
>          Sep  8 15:44:37 rootsrv01 acpid: exiting
>          Sep  8 15:44:37 rootsrv01 rpc.statd[750]: Caught signal 15, 
> un-registering and exiting

All the above (both message and daemon.log) look like normal parts of
shutting down to me.

>          Sep  8 15:44:37 rootsrv01 udevd-work[2276]: 
> '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-setup offline type_if=vif' unexpected exit with status 
> 0x000f

This might be worth following up on.

I would do this by adding near the top of vif-setup and/or vif-bridge
(or whichever script you use):
        exec 1>>/var/log/vif-setup.log
        exec 2>&1

I would then also annotate all through vif-bridge in the offline path
with echo statements showing how far it got and what command was to be
run next.


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