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Re: [Xen-users] Booting pv-ready distro installer.iso as Xen PV DomU drops to grub prompt?

On 04/15/2015 10:06 AM, lyndat3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> grub2-mkstandalone does not have the equivalent of the 
>  -c grub-bootstrap.cfg
>  -m memdisk.tar
> options you use in your guide.
> Its manpage mentions
> which may be ? the config file?
> It also mentions
>     "Graft point syntax (E.g. /boot/grub/grub.cfg=./grub.cfg) is accepted"
> I have no idea what that means, and what to do with it here in the Xen use 
> case.
> If you manage to find/share any example that 'fits' your guide, but uses this 
> grub2-mkstandalone to be able to "add" the linuxefi etc commands to thge 
> binary, that'd be really helpful.
> In the meantime I'll keep looking for posts online.

Your best bet is to extract the grub config from the existing iso, replace the 
*efi commands with the base versions, and use that with grub-mkstandalone.

I have some notes at 
http://wiki.prgmr.com/mediawiki/index.php/Grub2#Development_background on how 
to use grub-mkstandalone starting from the ubuntu
build of grub2.


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