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Re: [Xen-users] XEN+CLVM+GFS

let me add a remark:


You get consistent naming with CLVM.

big overkill. other tools will give you consistent names w/o the cluster overhead.

The benefit is that multiple hosts can write safely to the same filesystem.

Which is not what you need for XEN, here you need multiple hosts accessing the same disk space, not neccessarily in form of a filesystem. As long as you can guarantuee from "above" (e.g. your XEN management software), that each piece of data will be accessed only by one host at the same time, then you don't need a cluster FS that enforces this for you.

I have found that it would be very valuable to be able to have access to the same
filesystem from several hosts at the same time: think of back/restore!

By having access to the filesystems from a xenU and from the backup software
then there is no need to install the backup client on each xenU;
it would be enough to have (read) access to all filesystems from the
backup host. It would save management work.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With best regards
   Reiner Dassing

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