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Re: [Xen-users] debian wheezy bridge creation

Sorry Simon - I replied directly to you by accident, so sending to the
user list.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 8:57 PM, chris snow <chsnow123@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Simon Hobson <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> chris snow <chsnow123@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I did see that advice, but can't remember where.  I wasn't sure that
>>> because I was installing xen/xcp using apt-get whether this advice was
>>> being followed by the debian scripts.  I'm guessing the scripts don't
>>> follow the advice because the three bridges are created automatically.
>>>> auto ethbak
>>>> iface ethbak inet static
>>>>  bridge_ports pethbak
>>>>  address x.x.x.x
>>>>  netmask
>>>> After that, the bridge just automagically appears at boot.
>>>> Simon Hobson
>>> I'm wondering whether I should just try installing xen (or xcp?) from
>>> scratch so that I have full control over what is happening, before
>>> trying to use the distro packages?
>> You do realise that you have to configure stuff don't you ?
>> I don't know where those three bridges come from, but when I've installed 
>> Xen it doesn't do a great deal networking wise until configured.
> The environment that I have based my setup on is here:
> https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/tree/master/tools/appliance/definitions/devcloud,
> which is related to the blog: http://bhaisaab.org/logs/devcloud.  All
> I'm doing is taking that environment (which is a fully configured xen
> environment used for cloudstack development purposes) and converting
> it to vagrant.  I'm running into issues with the conversion
> (https://github.com/snowch/devcloud/issues/14), which is why I'm
> starting to look at xen/xcp to try and figure out where the issue may
> be.
> I'm reading through the Running Xen book, but that seems to be based
> on an old version of xen.  Also, while there is some documentation
> available for debian's xen, it does seem quite sparse, so it's a
> little difficult to see what magic debian is running behind the
> scenes.
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