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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v7] acpi: Prevent GPL-only code from seeping into non-GPL binaries

On 09/28/2016 08:53 AM, Wei Liu wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 08:53:41AM -0400, Boris Ostrovsky wrote:
>> On 09/28/2016 06:38 AM, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>> On 27.09.16 at 16:46, <boris.ostrovsky@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> --- a/tools/firmware/hvmloader/acpi/Makefile
>>>> +++ b/tools/firmware/hvmloader/acpi/Makefile
>>>> @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
>>>>  XEN_ROOT = $(CURDIR)/../../../..
>>>>  include $(XEN_ROOT)/tools/firmware/Rules.mk
>>>> -C_SRC = build.c dsdt_anycpu.c dsdt_15cpu.c static_tables.c 
>>>> dsdt_anycpu_qemu_xen.c
>>>> +C_SRC-$(GPL) = build.c dsdt_anycpu.c dsdt_15cpu.c dsdt_anycpu_qemu_xen.c
>>>> +C_SRC = build.c static_tables.c $(C_SRC-y)
>>>>  OBJS  = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(C_SRC))
>>>>  CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_xeninclude)
>>>> @@ -36,18 +37,25 @@ ssdt_s3.h ssdt_s4.h ssdt_pm.h ssdt_tpm.h: %.h: %.asl 
>>>> iasl
>>>>  mk_dsdt: mk_dsdt.c
>>>>    $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_xeninclude) -o $@ mk_dsdt.c
>>>> -dsdt_anycpu_qemu_xen.asl: dsdt.asl dsdt_acpi_info.asl mk_dsdt
>>>> +ifeq ($(GPL),y)
>>>> +dsdt_anycpu_qemu_xen.asl: dsdt.asl dsdt_acpi_info.asl gpl/mk_dsdt_gpl.sh 
>>>> mk_dsdt
>>>>    awk 'NR > 1 {print s} {s=$$0}' $< > $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>> +  # Strip license comment
>>>> +  sed -i '1,/\*\//{/\/\*/,/\*\//d}' $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>> +  $(SHELL) gpl/mk_dsdt_gpl.sh >> $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>>    cat dsdt_acpi_info.asl >> $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>>    ./mk_dsdt --debug=$(debug) --dm-version qemu-xen >> $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>>    mv -f $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX) $@
>>>>  # NB. awk invocation is a portable alternative to 'head -n -1'
>>>> -dsdt_%cpu.asl: dsdt.asl dsdt_acpi_info.asl mk_dsdt
>>>> +dsdt_%cpu.asl: dsdt.asl dsdt_acpi_info.asl gpl/mk_dsdt_gpl.sh mk_dsdt
>>>>    awk 'NR > 1 {print s} {s=$$0}' $< > $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>> +  sed -i '1,/\*\//{/\/\*/,/\*\//d}' $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>> +  $(SHELL) gpl/mk_dsdt_gpl.sh >> $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>>    cat dsdt_acpi_info.asl >> $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>>    ./mk_dsdt --debug=$(debug) --maxcpu $*  >> $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX)
>>>>    mv -f $@.$(TMP_SUFFIX) $@
>>>> +endif
>>> The conditional you add here seems unnecessary - I assume you've
>>> added it just to stress the GPL-only fact even more? 
>> Yes, that's exactly the reason.
> OK. Now that every patch is acked / reviewed.
> Please provide me a branch to pull -- I remember in v6 you said there
> were other minor adjustments needed in later patches.


The branch should show up there within a couple of hours: I pushed it to
an internal Oracle server that periodically syncs with oss.oracle.com.


> Wei.
>> -boris
>>> If that's the
>>> case:
>>> Reviewed-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
>>> Jan

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