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Re: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to detect disks on C600 storage controller


I think there is a disconnect here.  I've never said `replace your current 
config with an entirely new one' as a solution to the problem.  What I'm 
suggesting is start from a working config for 3.14 and then compare the 
differences with the osstest's config to see what the issue is.  Hopefully we 
can cut down the number of differences to wade through by basing that working 
config from a kernel that is as close to 3.14 as possible, in this case 3.16.

PS:  I agree that I don't think there's a driver bug, it's a configuration 
error, but I don't think it's a Kconfig issue either.  I'm guessing this will 
be something like loading the `cdrom' module and then wondering why the scsi 
CD/ROM doesn't work because the `sr_mod' module isn't loaded.  There's no 
dependency error, the wrong module just got left out.

Don Dugger
"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale
Ph: 303/443-3786

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Campbell [mailto:ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 4:31 AM
To: Dugger, Donald D
Cc: Ian Jackson; wg-test-framework@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to detect disks on C600 
storage controller

Hi Don,

osstest's kernel configs are based on the upstream kernel defconfig, for the 
version under test, plus our local modifications to enable Xen and driver 
support etc.

We can't really just throw that away and use some other thing picked 
essentially at random because it happens to work around a bug in the Kconfig 
for the Intel storage controller.

This is why there was reluctance to go down this path you've suggested in the 
first place since the diff between the two is, quite predictably, overwhelming.

To reiterate, there _is_ a bug here. Either in the driver or in the Kconfig 
describing that driver (my money is on the latter at this stage). Workarounds 
such as "replace your entire kernel configuration"
are not useful or practical in this context.

We need to know the specific configuration option which the Intel C600 storage 
controller requires so that we can a) report it as a bug against the kernel so 
it can be fixed and b) tweak our defconfig based config so we have something we 
can actually work with. Otherwise these machines cannot enter the test pool.


On Wed, 2015-04-22 at 16:58 +0000, Dugger, Donald D wrote:
> Well, according to the attached email you booted the Debian 3.16 
> kernel successfully which means you should be able to extract a 
> working 3.16 config file to use as the base to create a 3.14 kernel.
> Anyway, I'll look at your 3.2 & 3.14 config files to see if anything 
> pops out (I'm at a conference, probably won't be able to get to this 
> until tomorrow).
> --
> Don Dugger
> "Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale
> Ph: 303/443-3786
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Jackson [mailto:Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:52 AM
> To: Dugger, Donald D
> Cc: Ian Campbell; wg-test-framework@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to detect disks 
> on C600 storage controller
> Dugger, Donald D writes ("RE: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to 
> detect disks on C600 storage controller"):
> > So you have two config files for 3.14, one the original that doesn't 
> > work and one that was based upon the Debian 3.16 kernel that does.
> > Can you send me a copy of those two config files,
> Not exactly.  What we have is:
>   3.14.36 fails with osstest config
>     failing config here
> http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/50472/build-amd64-pvops/build/
>     which I have copied here so that it survives the osstest log expiry
>       http://xenbits.xen.org/people/iwj/2015/50472.build-amd64-pvops.config
>     (This is very similar to the 3.14.34 osstest config which I
>     supplied a URL for previously.)
>   3.14.36 success with config based on Debian's 3.2.0-4 [1]
>     successful config in my previous email but I have saved a copy
>     here too in case that's more convenient.
> http://xenbits.xen.org/people/iwj/2015/chardonnay-debian-based-config
> > it should be possible to identify the difference that is causing the 
> > problem.
> iwj@xenbits:~/public_html/2015$ diff -u 50472.build-amd64-pvops.config 
> chardonnay-debian-based-config | egrep '^\+CONFIG' | wc -l
> 2754
> iwj@xenbits:~/public_html/2015$ diff -u 50472.build-amd64-pvops.config 
> chardonnay-debian-based-config | egrep '^\-CONFIG' | wc -l
> 317
> Good luck.
> Thanks,
> Ian.
> [1] This kernel was generated as follows:
>   1. clone 3.14.36
>   2. copy Debian's 3.2.0-4 out of /boot into .config
>   3. run the osstest enable-xen-config script to adjust options
>      that osstest thinks it wants
>   4. yes '' |make oldconfig
> This is very similar to the osstest config generation process; the difference 
> is that osstest uses `make defconfig' for step 2, which of course is very 
> different from Debian's setup.
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